Jon Berghoff
Jon and his team at Flourishing Leadership Institute lead some of the largest, most complex group collaborations in the world - leading live groups of up to 1,000+ people through a process where they create and design their collective future together.
From bringing together up to 700 citizens of the City of Cleveland, year after year, to design a sustainable future for their city... designing and facilitating the 2017 4th Global Forum for Business as An Agent of World Benefit, hosted at Case Western Reserve University, where 400+ leaders, CEO's, NGO's from over 35 countries designed solutions aimed at achieving the UN Sustainable Development goals...
…to leading high-stakes, large group, strategic collaborations for companies like BMW, Facebook, Apple, Verizon and Green Mountain Coffee...
FLI is at the leading edge of learning what it takes to help any human system to come alive - naturally, more effectively and faster than ever before.
With their newly designed LEAF Certification, FLI is now on a mission to train/certify others in their approach to bringing out the best in human systems - and have trained or certified leaders, entrepreneurs, change agents and facilitators from over 75 countries in creating powerful changes across a diverse group of organizations and communities.
Jon is passionate about connecting with nature - and the inherent wisdom that it brings out from within us. He loves his family more than anything in the world - and fills his heart playing with wife Mara and their three kids - Ace (8), Sierra (6), and Kaizen (3).