Christan Rainey


Christan Rainey has a passion for serving others and trying to make life better for everyone as is evident in his role as the Executive Director of M.A.D. (Men Against Domestic Violence) USA, Inc. and a Captain with North Charleston Fire Department. 


His story begins as a young man Christan always wanted to be a firefighter - to serve in his community and help better the lives of his community members. He always knew deep inside he would achieve his goal, but he understood that in order to achieve it he had to work hard to make it a reality. His life changed dramatically on September 30, 2006 when his mother and four siblings were murdered through an act of domestic violence at the hands of his mother’s husband. In the seven-year journey that followed, Christan wondered what his purpose if life was going to be after his family was stripped away from him. He turned his pain into his purpose and started the non-profit organization M.A.D. USA, Inc. with the belief that the voices of men coming together will strengthen the responses and generate a proactive approach to domestic violence. Through this organization, Christan reaches out to the surrounding communities by teaching Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Anti-bullying to students. Christan also mentors young men in the work he does and helps future generations to look at domestic violence through a different lens.